Lefteris Kaliambos Wiki

Lefteris Kaliambos (Natural Philosopher in New Energy)

111 (1)

April 12 , 2023

Today it is well-known that the Nobel prize in physics (2022) confirmed Newton's third law of instantaneous interaction and rejected Maxwell's and Einstein's invalid fields, which led to the invalid concepts of exchanging bosons, as I presented them at an international conference on physics in 1993 and at a nuclear conference at NCSR "Demokritos" in 2002. (2022 NOBEL PRIZE WINNERS proved Einstein WRONG). For example Newton predicted the gravitational properties of light particles moving in vacuum by writing the following important phrase: "One body may act upon another at a distance through a vacuum without the mediation of any thing else." Whereas Einstein in 1905 under the invalid Maxwell's fields believed incorrectly that photons have no mass. In the same year, in his invalid relativity (EXPERIMENTS REJECT RELATIVITY) he proposed that the mass defect in atoms and in nuclei turns to the energy of photons without mass. However Planck in 1907 under the gravitational properties of light (predicted by Newton and confirmed by Soldner in 1801) wrote that his quanta of energy E = hν do have mass m = hν/c2 . Later in the Bohr model (1913) experiments of the hydrogen ionization showed that the energy of 13.6 eV of the photon is due not to the fallacious Rest Energy of the invalid relativity but to the Coulomb Law based on Newton's third law. Therefore Einstein later (1938) in his book "THE EVOLUTION OF PHYSICS" (page 234 ) wrote that photons do have mass m = hν/c2 . Also in the same book (page 208) Einstein wrote for the mass defect in the Sun, which turns to the photon mass: "Radiation travelling through space and emitted from the Sun contains energy and therefore has mass. The Sun and all radiating stars lose mass by emitting radiation." Under such a physics crisis I published in WIKIA my article "ENERGY DOES NOT TURN TO MASS". Consequently the energy of the ELECTRON-POSITRON INTERACTION is due to the laws of charge-charge interaction. In other words according to my discovery of the LAW OF ENERGY AND MASS the energy of charge-charge interaction turns to the energy of two photons, while the mass defect turns to the photon mass. Nevertheless today writing in Google “Black hole criticism” one sees  that it is described not by applying the well-established laws but by accepting the various false theories including various fields with wrong force carriers,  the invalid relativity with the false mass-energy conservation, and models of strange string theories. For example today writing in Google the topic “BLACK HOLE ” we distinguish the dominant article “BLACK HOLE-WIKIPEDIA ” but under the academic establishment of wrong theories  the black holes in this article are connected with the  wrong fields (INVALID MAXWELL’S EQUATIONS) and the invalid gravitational fields of the general theory of relativity (EXPERIMENTS REJECTING EINSTEIN) without writing the original history of black holes based on the gravitational properties of light predicted by Newton and confirmed by Soldner in 1801.

Historically, In this photo I am with the eminent physicist Dr Th. Kalogeropoulos who , as an Einstein student, came from Princeton university to present a paper at a nuclear conference held at NCSR "Demoritos" (2002), where I presented also my published paper (2003) Nuclear structure is governed by the fundamental laws of electromagnetism which invalidates Einstein's relativity. Note that Dr Th. Kalogeropoulos initially criticized the laws of gravity and of electromagnetism but later he accepted my correct idea that the laws and experiments cannot be modified by using theories.  

It is of interest to note that the first man who described in 1783 the idea of massive stars from which no light could escape was the British natural philosopher Michell. He was based on the gravitational properties of the particles of light predicted by Newton. So he wrote a letter to Henry Cavendish outlining the expected properties of massive stars which were called dark stars.  Especially he calculated that when the escape velocity at the surface of a dark star was equal to the speed of light c, the generated light would be gravitationally trapped so that the star would not be visible to a distant astronomer. He assumed also that in the universe there could be dark stars much larger than the Sun, where the light because of the great gravity cannot escape, just as it is with a body here on Earth that we launch it vertically with a velocity υ and the same body returns with the same speed on the surface of the Earth.  

More than a decade after Michell, another scientist took up this same topic: in his book published in 1796 - Exposition du Système du Monde - the French mathematician, physicist and astronomer Pierre-Simon de Laplace called such an object corps obscur, i.e. dark body.  

Note that in the same period (1801) the German mathematician Soldner  confirmed the gravitational properties of the particles of light having mass, and also Thomas Young (1803) confirmed the wave properties of the same particles of light. The historian and physicist Gerald Holton in his book “Introduction to concepts and theories in physical science” (page 386) wrote: “It was Newton who suggested that light might have to be somehow assigned also periodic properties in order to account for the phenomena of colors.”  

Nevertheless in Wikipedia we read the incorrect history of black holes by using the invalid fields, which violate Newton’s third law of instantaneous action and reaction confirmed by the famous experiments of the Quantum Entanglement: “Objects whose gravitational fields are too strong for light to escape were first considered in the 18th century by John Michell and Pierre-Simon Laplace.” In Wikipedia we also read: “Scholars of the time were initially excited by the proposal that giant but invisible stars might be hiding in plain view, but enthusiasm dampened when the wavelike nature of light became apparent in the early nineteenth century. If light were a wave rather than a corpuscle, it is unclear what, if any, influence gravity would have on escaping light waves.”

From the point of view of theoretical research, many details of dark stars can be read in Hawking 's "A BRIEF HISTORY OF TIME". In particular, Hawking wrote that the term Black Hole was devised in 1969 by the American physicist Wheeler , who wanted to describe the affairs of an old paper published by John Michell

Today rockets having a mass m can be launched at a very high initial velocity υ so that they can escape the attraction of the Earth. According to the Newtonian Mechanics, they would have to escape the earth's attraction with mass M and radius R when the kinetic energy of the rocket KE = mυ2/2 is greater than the potential energy of gravity on Earth ΔE = GmM/R. That is

2/2 > GMm/R  or υ2/2> GM/R or υ 2 > 2GM/R  or  υ > (2GM/R)0.5

Thus, from the values of G that Cavendish experimented in 1798, the mass M of Earth, and the radius R of the Earth, we find that  υ > 11.2 Km/sec.

Of course, making the extreme assumption that such a rocket with a very high velocity approaching the velocity of light c = 300,000 Km /sec, if it could escape the so -called dark star or black hole with a very large mass M and radius R then we would have to write

mc2/2 > GMm/R or c2/2 > GM/R  or c2 > 2GM/R or c > (2GM/R)0.5

However, because the dark star has a very large mass M condensed to such an extent that the radius R is very small relative to the mass, then the following relation

c < (2GM/R)0.5

will always be valid so that any body that is still running and with the speed of light c could not escape the dark star because of the great gravity. Under this behavior of the moving bodies Michell thought that the speed c of light should not be constant but could be changed due to gravity as it is with all the bodies affected by gravity.

In fact, for the interpretation of the bending of light near the Sun, that is, when the velocity c of a photon is perpendicular to the gravitational force, in my discovery of dipolic photons (1993) I proved that the photon mass behaves like the constant inertial mass mo of a particle of the Newtonian Mechanics. In this case the photon accelerates along the direction of gravity. Thus, we may apply the fundamental equation F = mo(du/dt) of the Newtonian Mechanics to write

Fds = dw =  mo(du/dt)ds = mo(udu) or FΔs = Δw = mou2/2

However in case in which the velocity c of photon is parallel to the gravitational force, the photon cannot accelerate along the direction of gravity. In general after the discovery of the quantum physics by Planck (1900) that the light consists of photons having energy E = hν, the photon does not increase the constant velocity c but the frequency ν. In other words when the velocity c is antiparallel to the gravitational force although the photon has a constant velocity c, it cannot escape from the dark star because its frequency is influenced by gravity and is zeroed at a distance called the distance of the events of the horizon.

This issue was finally solved by the discovery of the dipolic photon I presented at the Frontiers of fundamental physics conference (1993), where I showed that the photon has not only energy E = hv but also mass m = hv/c2   by canceling Maxwell's fields and Einstein's general relativity. (Laws and experiments invalidate fields and relativity). Note that Planck in 1907 in order to interpret the bending of light near the Sun (predicted by Newton and confirmed by Soldner ) wrote that his quanta of energy E = hν do have mass m = hν/c2. ( Physics4u-The Bending of Light ). 

It is a fact that in the history of natural science the 10th of April 2019 will be the day when the human race first grasped in the immense chaos of our own historical universe ( OUR EARLY UNIVERSE) a large black hole with the swirling clouds that swirl around. That is, a very large dark star with a mass of 6.5 billion times greater than the mass of our own Sun has been thoroughly detected, since, due to its large mass, neither particle nor light can escape. Such a dark star is away from us 55 million light years, while our Sun is only 8 minutes of light. "It's a shocking day," said NSF director Frank Cordova without mentioning Einstein's theory of general relativity, since it is now known worldwide that all experiments in modern physics reject it. ( INVALID GENERAL RELATIVITY ). Really on April 10, 2019 online at the same time in six cities of the world, NASA has released the new breakthrough from the world of our own universe where we can explore millions of light years distances from modern telescopes.

Therefore, with my discovery of dipolic photons, when the constant speed c of the photon is parallel to the force F of gravity, then with the application of Newton's second law we will write

F = dp/dt = c (dm/dt)  or  Fds = dw = hdν = c (dm/dt)ds = dmc2

In this case, of course, the fundamental equation of Newtonian mechanics F = mοα  cannot be applied, where the inertial mass mo of the moving bodies always remains constant within an absolute time as predicted by Newton for the systems of conservative forces. ( NEWTON INVALIDATES EINSTEIN ).

However in the quantum physics of non-conservative forces,  I discovered  the quantum contraction of dy length and the quantum dilation of dt time that has nothing to do with Einstein's time-space. In this quantum case because the speed of light c is always constant acceleration α as predicted by the fundamental equation of Newtonian Mechanics should always tend towards zero. Thus we will have the appearance of the quantum contraction of the dy length and the quantum dilation over time dt. Under these quantum conditions when the constant speed of photon c is antiparallel to the force of gravity then we will always have a reduction in the frequency to such an extent that it is zero at the distance of the horizon of the events. This phenomenon is called GRAVITATIONAL RED SHIFT because any photon that moves against gravity will always decrease the frequency ν of energy E = hν of the photon , and the photon will have less energy as it moves away from the gravitational star.

Indeed, this phenomenon of frequency reduction was predicted by Einstein in the theory of General Relativity (1915). In particular, he used the Doppler effect by writing the well-known equation 

δν/ν = ​​υ/c.

which gives the gravitational red shift when the speed c of photon is antiparallel to the gravitational force.

However the Doppler effect rejects the ether of Maxwell's electromagnetic theory. For example, when an acoustic source approaches an observer, the frequency of the sound wave is different from that of the observer approaching the sound source, because the sound is transmitted to a medium (atmospheric air). In contrast to light, we always measure the same frequency ν in both cases, because the light consists of mass particles moving in the vacuum as predicted by Newton.

Yet Einstein, because he was influenced by Maxwell's theory, then believed that the light is composed of quanta of Maxwell's invalid fields without mass. Thus, he believed incorrectly that the frequency change is due not to the mass of the photon, but to a strange hypothesis about the curvature of the space. Also later (1938) he continued to support the ether, since in his book "The Evolution of Physics" (page 160) he wrote that the history of the ether not only did not come to an end but continued with the theory of relativity.

Historically, when Soldner confirmed in 1801 the gravitational properties of light predicted by Newton, it would be logical for all physicists to continue the research on the particle nature of light, but this did not happen because in 1804 the English physician Thomas Young with his famous double-slit experiment discovered the wave-like nature of light, which seemed to justify the theory of Huygens , who in 1690 developed the invalid theory that light consists of waves that are transmitted to the deceptive ether. Unfortunately, Maxwell in 1865, abandoning the gravitational properties of light particles and bringing ether back to the forefront, developed the invalid wave theory of the fields, that light consists of fields moving in the ether, even though the fields violate Newton's third law of action and reaction. Note that Newton himself predicted that light particles have not only gravitational but also wave properties. 

So after the experiments of the American physicists Michelson-Morley (1887) and the famous experiments of the Doppler  effect that ether does not exist, Planck in 1907 based on the results of Soldner showed that the photons from a distant star actually have mass m = hv/c 2 and curve due to their mass when passing by the sun.

It should be noted that in 1913 Planck advised Einstein of the new theory of general relativity to be careful not to make mistakes ( Planck's support of Einstein's general relativity ), but Einstein because he was greatly influenced by Maxwell's invalid electromagnetic theory, in his general relativity (1915) not only brought forth the deceptive ether again, but also made the curious assumption about the curvature of space.

However much later (1938), Einstein himself in his book " The evolution of physics " (page 234) abandoned his strange ideas about the curvature of space and adopted the gravitational properties of light predicted by Newton: " A beam of light carries energy and energy has mass. But every inertial mass is attracted by the gravitational field, as inertial and gravitational masses are equivalent. A beam of light will bend in a gravitational field exactly as a body would if thrown horizontally with a velocity equal to that of light. "

Moreover in a paper of 1939 Einstein rejected the notion of black holes. For example in the article “Einstein’s unsuccessful investigations-Wikipedia” we read: “Einstein denied several times that black holes could form. In 1939 he published a paper that argues that a star collapsing would spin faster and faster spinning at the speed of light with infinite energy well before the point where it is about to collapse into a Schwarzchild singularity, or black hole.”

Taking into account all Einstein's inconsistencies and the experiments of the American physicists  French and Tessman that showed the mistakes of Maxwell's fields I presented at the 1993 conference the discovery of dipolic photon that cancels the fields and relativity. ( NEW REVOLUTION IN PHYSICS ).

Nevertheless, when the Black Hole was discovered on April 10, 2019, the famous Greek astrophysicist Dimitris Psaltis Professor of Astronomy at the University of Arizona, announced that the discovery of black hole confirmed Einstein’s ideas. Specifically, in the newspaper TA NEA on April 11, 2019, we read: "EHT for the first time allowed us to control the predictions of Einstein's General Theory of Relativity around super-large black holes in galaxy centers. Size and shadow confirm the exact predictions of Einstein's General Theory of Relativity, thus increasing our confidence in this one-century theory. "

However a few days later Dr Psaltis expressed his great skepticism about the problems of relativity. In particular, when on April 15, 2019 TA NEA journalist Katerina Rovba asked him if the Black Holes' discovery actually confirmed Einstein's theory of relativity, Professor D. Psaltis replied, "I would say a little differently. By depicting this black hole, which is the size and shape of theory, we cannot find at this time any reason that makes us believe that the theory of relativity is not right. The reason I say it negatively and not positively is because the history of science shows that no theory is absolutely correct. And we know that the theory of relativity has problems . The point is that we need to reach a very high level of precision to find these problems. And that's what we want to do next years. "

This answer certainly shows the new skepticism of Dr Psaltis, since Einstein himself in 1938 in his book "The Evolution of Physics", disappointed by the theory of relativity on page 4 of his book "The Evolution o Physics", wrote: "Very often a seemingly perfect theory has proved inadequate in the light of further reading. New facts appear, contradicting the theory or unexplained by it."

Of course, the disappointment arises from the fact that while in general relativity (1915) Einstein thought that light has not mass, finally in 1938 found that the influence of gravity on the light was not due in the strange case of the curvature of space, but in the fact that the photon has a mass like all the bodies affected by gravity because of the law of gravity discovered by Newton.

In conclusion, we would say that Einstein was raped in 1915 to interpret the influence of gravity on the light, devaluing the triumph of the Newtonian Mechanics and the Quantum Physics triumph, where in 1907 Planck showed that the photons because of their energy E = hν do have mass m = hv/c2 .  And, of course, the honorable professor D. Psaltis, who honors Greece for its great discovery, besides a researcher, can be distinguished in the future from its skepticism, since, as I have shown in my published work of 2003 all experiments of atomic and nuclear physics reject relativity.
