Lefteris Kaliambos Wiki

By Prof. L. Kaliambos (Natural Philosopher in New Energy)

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February 26, 2023

Today it is well-known that the Nobel prize in physics (2022) confirmed Newton's third law (faster than light) of instantaneous interaction and rejected Maxwell's electromagnetic theory of fields and Einstein's invalid fields, as I presented them at an international conference on physics in 1993 and at a nuclear conference at NCSR "Democritos" in 2002. (2022 NOBEL PRIZE WINNERS proved Einstein WRONG). Also in 2002 I showed that in atomic, molecular, and nuclear physics, we apply the basic laws of Coulomb (1785) and Ampere (1820) discovered under Newton's third law. However under the ACADEMIC ESTABLISHMENT OF WRONG THEORIES in the dominant article "ELECTROMAGNETISM-WIKIPEDIA" we read the following incorrect idea: "In physics, electromagnetism is an interaction that occurs between particles with electric charge via electromagnetic fields."

A thorough investigation of the behavior of the fundamental electric charges led to the well-established laws of electric and magnetic forces acting at a distance, like the gravitational force formulated by Newton in 1687 in his Principia. These natural laws based on the fundamental action at a distance were confirmed by the experiments of the Quantum Entanglement and led to my discovery of unified forces of gravity and of electromagnetism acting at a distance. Whereas, the  introduction of the wrong concept of field by Faraday (1832) and Maxwell (1865) led to a number of fallacious theories of electromagnetism like the Einstein false massless quanta of fields,which led to his contradicting relativity theories, the fallacious virtual photons as carriers of forces of the Quantum Electrodynamics, and  the wrong massless gluons of the Quantum Chromodynamics which did much to retard the progress of physics. Under such wrong concepts Einstein spent the latter part of his life searching for such a unified field theory, but was unsuccessful.

The knowledge of the existence of the electric charge goes back at least as far as the time of ancient Greeks around 600 BC, when the Greek philosopher Thales observed that light materials are attracted to the rod by rubbing a rod of amber. No particular advance was made in the understanding of this phenomenon until about 1600, when William Gilbert began a detailed study of the kinds of materials that would behave like amber. These he described as electric ( from the Greek word for amber elektron). The next important step in the development of ideas about charges came about 100 years later when Du Fay showed that there are two kinds of electrification. He found that forces between like charges are repulsive, while forces between unlike charges are attractive. The quantitative theory assigns a plus sign to one type and a minus sign to the other, as was first suggested by Benjamin Franklin.   

In 1785 Coulomb devised the torsion balance, discovering what is now known as Coulomb's law: the force exerted between two small electrified bodies varies inversely as the square of the distance, like the law of gravity. He formulated his law of electric force Fe acting at a distance by using the quantity q (called electric charge) which may exist on matter. Its presence on two or more bodies is made evident by forces of attraction or repulsion between bodies containing charge. For simplicity the charges are named positive and negative (quite arbitrarily). For example the electron has a negative charge (-e) while the positron has a positive charge (+e). In 1800  Alessandro Volta constructed the first device to produce a large electric current, later known as the electric battery.

Note that Bohr in his model of the hydrogen atom (1913) was the first man who used in atomic physics the well-established Coulomb law of force, while nuclear physicists under the discovery of the assumed uncharged neutron (1932) abandoned the well-established laws of electromagnetism in favor of wrong theories, Under this physics crisis I published my paper "Nuclear structure..electromagnetism" (2003) in which Ishowed my discovery of nuclear force and structure. Indeed, not only atomic but also nucleon-nucleon and quark-quark interactions are based on electromagnetism because both up and down quarks have charges able to explain the so-called strong and weak interactions under the applications of the well-established laws of electromagnetism.

Today it is well known that also magnetism is due to the same electric charges when they move in a so-called inertial frame. Historically, the ancient Greeks, and also the early Chinese knew about strange and rare stones with the magnetic power to attract iron. The term magnetism is derived from Magnesia, the name of a region in Asia Minor where lodestone, a naturally magnetic iron ore, was found in ancient times.

An early example of the knowledge of magnetism was the use of a permanent magnet as a compass for navigational purposes. Much later, in1819, Oersted first showed a connection between electricity and magnetism by demonstrating the torque on a compass needle caused by a nearby electric current. 

In 1820 Ampere published his law of the magnetic force Fm acting at a distance by using two parallel wires carrying currents. The experimental fact, as first studied by Ampere is that the two parallel wires are attractive to each other. If we reverse one current, the fore becomes one of repulsion. In this case the expression involves no mention of a vector B of the magnetic intensity. The forces are modified if either the current magnitudes or the relative positions of the conductors are changed. So there is a difficulty in discussing this problem. Of course the magnetic force between two current elements at a given distance apart is a fundamental characteristic of nature but for the simple calculation of the magnetic force we need to use the vector B = Fm/qu. (Here we avoid to use the wrong concept of the  magnetic field B introduced by Faraday, because it did much to retard the progress of physics).   

In 1832 Faraday published the induction law and the most widespread version of this law states that the induced electromotive force (EMF) in any closed circuit is equal to the rate of change of the magnetic flux enclosed by the circuit. Or mathematically,

EMF = W/q = dΦ/dt

where Φ is the magnetic flux Φ = BS . In this correct explanation of the induction we clear that B is not the invalid concept of the Faraday field. ( See my "Review of the Faraday Field" ). Instead it is the magnetic intensity with the vector B = Fm/qu used for the simple calculation of the magnetic force of the Ampere law  acting at a distance under the fundamental action at a distance confirmed by the experiments of the Quantum Entanglement. Faraday's law of induction makes use of the magnetic flux Φ through a surface S whose boundary is a wire loop. Since the wire loop may be moving, we write S(t) for the surface. The magnetic flux is defined by a surface integral by using  dA which is an element of surface area of the moving surface S(t), B is the magnetic vector and B·dA is a vector dot product (the infinitesimal amount of magnetic flux).

When the flux changes—because B changes, or because the wire loop is moved or deformed, or both—Faraday's law of induction says that the wire loop acquires an EMF,  defined as the energy available from a unit charge that has travelled once around the wire loop.

Wrong Maxwell–Faraday induction

The Maxwell–Faraday induction is assumed to be a generalization of Faraday's law that states that a time-varying magnetic field is always accompanied by a spatially-varying electric field, and vice versa. However under the experiment of Neumann (1845) of the so called motional EMF the Faraday induction is always consistent with the real magnetic force acting at a distance of the well-established law of Ampere.

It is indeed unfortunate that today many physicists influenced by Einstein's massless quanta of fields believe incorrectly that the Maxwell first equation is a fundamental equation of electromagnetism.

Although the discovery of the quanta of energy E = hν by Planck (1900)  showed that Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory (1865) cannot explain the optical phenomena of atomic physics , today many physicists believe that Maxwell’s equations are the correct mathematical formulations of laws for describing the self propagating fields as properties of space responsible for our “seeing” the stars. Whereas, the fundamental action at a distance of the well-established laws of Coulomb and Ampere could be a troublesome idea under the assumed triumph of Maxwell’s equations.

According to the well-established laws of electromagnetism the electric and magnetic force acting at a distance on one charge was considered as being caused by the presence at some distance away of another charge. Whereas, in the wrong concept of field introduced by Faraday in 1832 one charge is thought of as producing a “field” everywhere in space which should account for the force on the other charge. In fact, for the simple solutions of difficult problems the electric field E = Fe/q of the well-established law of Coulomb is a vector quantity which gives, at every point in space, the electric force Fe that would act at a distance on a unit positive charge that is placed at that point.

Faraday in his induction law using his wrong concept of field introduced the so-called electromotive force EMF = W/q  given by

EMF = W/q =  dΦ/dt

In his paper “Experimental Researches in Electricity”(1832) Faraday summarizes that a circumferential magnetism is exhibited by an electric current.  In other cases since the changing magnetic vector B  increases at a rate dB/dt,  Faraday found also that  W/q = (dB/dt)S .

Particularly Faraday for explaining the induction law imagined that the space surrounding the magnet and the coil was in a state of tension like stretched rubber bands and he called these bands “lines of force”. Note that later the experiments of the Quantum Entanglement confirmed the fundamental action at a distance introduced by Newton in his well-established laws.

On this basis in 1845 Newmann discovered experimentally that the so-called motional EMF occurs when in a xy system a conductor of length l is parallel to y and moves with a velocity u = dx/dt. In this simple case the magnetic force Fm = quB  is parallel to l. Here the vector B  which is perpendicular to the xy plane is not the field of Faraday but the vector B = Fm/qu  used for the simple calculations of the magnetic force Fm acting at a distance.  Therefore

EMF = W/q = Fml/q = (Fm/q)l  = (quB/q)l = Bul

This equation also can be written as

EMF = W/q = Bul =  Bldx/dt =  BdS/dt  = dΦ /dt

Since Faraday found also that

(BdS)/dt  = (dB/dt)S

We may write

(F/q)l = (dB/dt)S

Or in differential form one can write

(Fm/q)dl = (dB/dt) dS

That is, the Faraday induction, based on the wrong concept of field, in fact,  is due to the magnetic force per unit charge ( Fm/q) of the Ampere law acting at a distance, no matter what is moving in accordance with the Galileo principle of relativity deduced from Newton’s laws.

In the same way the experiments of the capacitor-solenoid systems showed that the electric energy ( We) per unit volume of the Coulomb law between the plates of a charged capacitor is given by

W/vol = εοΕ2/2

Also the magnetic energy Wm per unit volume of the induction law associated with the existence of current in the inductance is given by

Wm/vol = B2/2μo

Then under the conservation law of energy one finds that E/B = c as

εοE2/2 = B2/2μo    or   E2/B2 = 1/εομο = c2  and E/B = c

Note that 1/εομο  = K/k = c2 found by Weber in 1856. Here K is the constant of the Coulomb force and k is the constant of the magnetic force of the Ampere law.

However, though Neumann in 1845 showed experimentally that the Faraday induction is consistent with the magnetic force of the Ampere law, later (1865) Maxwell in order to explain the electromagnetic properties of light (discovered by Faraday in 1845) abandoned the well-established laws of Coulomb and Ampere involving forces acting at a distance. Instead he accepted the wrong concept of field and introduced two wrong postulations. In the first postulation Maxwell hypothesized incorrectly that the magnetic force per unit charge (Fm/q) is an electric field (E). Thus the correct differential equation of the Faraday induction

(Fm/q)dl = (dB/dt) dS

was replaced incorrectly by the invalid differential equation of Maxwell given by

Edl = (dB/dt) dS

This invalid equation under the wrong postulation that a changing magnetic field gives rise to an electric field is the biggest error in the history of electromagnetism, because it led to Einstein’s contradicting relativity theories.

The second postulation of Maxwell was his hypothesis that a changing electric field between the plates of a capacitor produces a hypothetical electric current (called displacement current) able to give a magnetic force. However the experiment of French and Tessman in 1963 showed that changing electric fields between the plates of a capacitor cannot give magnetic forces. On the other hand  in case in which the displacement current (Id) is correct one can prove that such a current violates the Ampere law.  

It is well known that Ampere formulated his law by using a current ( I ) of high  symmetry (very long wire),  while the hypothetical displacement current Id is of short length (between the plates of a capacitor).

Using the vector B the Ampere law at a distace r from a current I of high symmetry is given by

B =  2kI/r = μοI/2πr

Whereas Maxwell using a hypothetical current violated the Ampere law, because he used the Id of short length as

B2πr  = μοId

and making the wrong hypothesis that Id between the plates of a capacitor is equal to εο(dE/dt)S he formulated his second invalid differential equation given by

Bdl =  μο εο(dE/dt)dS

Then comparing these two differential equations he presented that

EdE/BdB = (E2/2) / (B2/2) = 1/εομο = c2    or   E2/B2 = 1/εομο = c2  and E/B = c

In other words Maxwell under his two wrong postulations formulated the two invalid Maxwel's equations which give the correct E/B = c of the experiments, because he tried to find hypothetical symmetries like the postulation of the hypothetical displacement current. So he violated the well-established laws of electromagnetism and developed his wrong electromagnetic theory involving wrong fields moving through a fallacious ether.

Ironically later (1905) Einstein for developing his invalid relativity abandoned the well-established laws of electromagnetism and accepted Maxwell’s fallacious idea of electric field when a magnet moves with respect to a conductor. So he violated the principle of relativity because the relative motion of a conductor and a magnet produces always magnetic force no matter what is moving, in accordance with Galileo’s principle of relativity.

Nevertheless, today many physicists influenced by the excellent math of the invalid Maxwell’s equations believe that Maxwell’s equations stand as the most general mathematical statements of natural laws. So writing in Google “History of electromagnetic theories” one can see a large number of articles including  not the history of the well-established law of electric force acting at a distance ( Coulomb 1785),  the magnetic force (Ampere 1820) and the induction law (Faraday 1832) which is consistent with the magnetic force of the Ampere law. Instead, we see the history of the assumed correct theories about the fields moving through a fallacious ether and the invalid Maxwell’s equations as well as the false massless quanta of fields proposed by Einstein in his contradicting relativity theories. Such theories are assumed to be like principles describing the natural electromagnetic phenomena.

For example in the “History of electromagnetic theory-WIKIPEDIA” one reads:

“In 1864 James Clerk Maxwell of Edinburgh announced his electromagnetic theory of light, which was perhaps the greatest single step in the world's knowledge of electricity. Maxwell had studied and commented on the field of electricity and magnetism as early as 1855/6 when On Faraday's lines of force was read to the Cambridge Philosophical Society.”

In fact, Weber was the first man who in 1856 found experimentally that the constant K of the electric force of the Coulomb law  is related to the constant k of the magnetic force of the Ampere law. Especially he found that K/k = c2where c is the speed of light . Also in 1845 Neumann found experimentally that the Faraday induction law is consistent with the magnetic force of the Ampere law.  Although Faraday summarized that “ the power of inducing electric currents is circumferentially excited by a magnetic resultant” and also  the experiments showed that the Faraday induced EMF is related to a stored magnetic energy in a solenoid analogous to a stored electric energy in a capacitor, today many physicists influenced by the invalid Maxwell’s equations of the wrong Maxwell's fields moving through a fallacious ether, continue to believe incorrectly that Faraday was the first man who discovered that a changing magnetic field produces an electric field, while Maxwell was the second man who deduced that a changing electric field produces a magnetic field.electromagnetism

For example in the  “Elecromagnetism-Britannica.com” we read the following wrong ideas:

“Electric and magnetic forces can be detected in regions called electric and magnetic fields. These fields are fundamental in nature and can exist in space far from the charge or current that generated them. Remarkably, electric fields can produce magnetic fields and vice versa, independent of any external charge. A changing magnetic field produces an electric field, as the English physicist Michael Faraday discovered in work that forms the basis of electric power generation. Conversely, a changing electric field produces a magnetic field, as the Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell deduced. The mathematical equations formulated by Maxwell incorporated light and wave phenomena into electromagnetism. He showed that electric and magnetic fields travel together through space as waves of electromagnetic radiation, with the changing fields mutually sustaining each other. Examples of electromagnetic waves traveling through space independent of matter are radio and television waves, microwaves, infrared rays, visible light, ultraviolet light, X rays, and gamma rays. All of these waves travel at the same speed—namely, the velocity of light (roughly 300,000 kilometres, or 186,000 miles, per second). They differ from each other only in the frequency at which their electric and magnetic fields oscillate. Maxwell’s equations still provide a complete and elegant description of electromagnetism down to, but not including, the subatomic scale. The interpretation of his work, however, was broadened in the 20th century. Einstein’s special relativity theory merged electric and magnetic fields into one common field and limited the velocity of all matter to the velocity of electromagnetic radiation.”

Meanwhile, in 1881 J.J Thomson recognized that the electromagnetic energy is equivalent to a mass called “electromagnetic mass”. Such a mass which led me to discover the photon mass was used by Kaufmann who explained his experiment (1901) according to which the absorbed energy by an electron increases not only the electron energy but also the electron mass in accordance with the two conservation laws of energy and mass. Moreover the two American physicists Michelson and Morley in 1887 rejected experimentally the Maxwellian ether in favor of Newton’s particles of light (1704) having mass.

It is indeed unfortunate that Einstein under the correct quanta of energy E = hν developed his false massless quanta of fields and also the fallacious concept that energy does turn to mass. Under such false ideas I presented at the international conference “Frontiers of fundamental physics” (1993) my paper “Impact of Maxwell’s equation of displacement current on electromagnetic laws and comparison of the maxwellian waves with our model of dipolic particles.” In that paper I showed that laws and experiments invalidate fields and relativity. Also our model of dipolic particles or dipole photons led to my discovery of Photon-Matter Interaction

hν/m =ΔΕ/ΔΜ = c2

according to this discovery which invalidates the Einstein mass-energy conservation in the correct explanation of photoelectric effect the absorption of a dipole photon contributes not only to the increase of the electron energy ΔΕ but also to the increase of the electron mass ΔΜ in accordance with the two conservation laws of energy and mass.

Nevertheless today many physicists influenced by the excellent math of the invalid Maxwell’s equations and the difficult math of the equations of the contradicting relativity theories continue to believe that relativity is a fundamental principles of nature.  For example in the “History of electromagnetic theory-WIKIPEDIA” one reads:

“In his paper on mass–energy equivalence (previously considered to be distinct concepts), Einstein deduced from his equations of special relativity what later became the well-known expression: E = mc2, suggesting that tiny amounts of mass could be converted into huge amounts of energy. All four papers of Einstein are today recognized as tremendous achievements—and hence 1905 is known as Einstein's "Wonderful Year". At the time, however, they were not noticed by most physicists as being important, and many of those who did notice them rejected them outright. Some of this work—such as the theory of light quanta—remained controversial for years.”   

In fact, light consists of dipole photons which behave like moving electric dipoles. For simplicity, when an electric dipole with opposite charges (+q and -q) moves at a velocity u,  and the dipole axis r is perpendicular to the velocity, the two basic laws of Coulomb and Ampere give Fand  Fm  acting at a distance as:

Fe = Kq2/r2 and  Fm = kq2u2/r2 . So Fe/Fm = c2/u2 .

And for u =c one gets Fe/Fm and Ey /Bz = c

Here these vectors epresent the vectors of electric and magnetic intensities used for the simple calculations of the electric  and the magnetic force respectively acting at a distance.

However under the same E/B = c deduced from the invalid Maxwell's differential equations , today many physicists believe that  Maxwell’s equations are the triumph of electromagnetism and that he was the first who unified the electric and magnetic fields. In “ James Clerk Maxwell-WIKIPEDIA” one reads:

“His discoveries helped usher in the era of modern physics, laying the foundation for such fields as special relativity and quantum mechanics. Many physicists regard Maxwell as the 19th-century scientist having the greatest influence on 20th-century physics. His contributions to the science are considered by many to be of the same magnitude as those of Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein.In the millennium poll—a survey of the 100 most prominent physicists—Maxwell was voted the third greatest physicist of all time, behind only Newton and Einstein. On the centenary of Maxwell's birthday, Einstein described Maxwell's work as the "most profound and the most fruitful that physics has experienced since the time of Newton".

In fact, Maxwell used Faraday’s wrong concepts of fields and Weber’s correct experiments on electromagnetism. Maxwell in his paper “A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field” goes on to discuss some of his results in the following paragraphs: “The conception of the propagation of transverse magnetic disturbances to the exclusion of normal ones is distinctly set forth by Professor Faraday in his Thoughts on Ray Vibrations... and that the velocity of propagation is the velocity υ found from experiments such as those of Weber...”

It is well known that according to the electromagnetic laws of forces acting at a distance a dipole photon interacts weakly with the electron charge (-e) in terms of weak electromagnetic intensities Ey and Bz  which cannot be related to the wrong concepts of field: 

Ey(-e)dy = dW     and     Bz(-e)dy = Fmdt = dp = dmc

Here the Fm acting at a distance is the magnetic force which contributes not to the change of velocity but to the change of photon mass because the photon cannot move faster than the speed of light.

Since E/ Bz = c    we get    dW/dm = c2

This result based on the forces of the laws acting at a distance led to my discovery of unified forces of the well-established laws. For example in gravity when the velocity c of a photon is parallel to the gravitational force Fg  applying the second law of Newton we get

Fgds = dW = (dmc/dt) ds = dmc2

Here we see that in both cases of electromagnetism and of gravity involving forces acting at a distance we get the same results, while Einstein using his masssless quanta of fields could not find any unification of fields. Also the discovery of the photon-matter interaction based on the forces acting at a distance explains all the weak interactions of the Photon- Matter Interaction which are similar to the beta decay in nuclear phenomena.

The enormous success of the Bohr model (1913) and the Schrodinger equation (1926) in three dimensions of the quantum mechanics   is due to the fact that Bohr in the hydrogen atom used the electric force of the Coulomb law, while the ionization of the hydrogen of 13.6 eV is due to the weak interaction of the dipole photon which occurs in accordance with my discovery of the photon-matter interaction.  In this case the energy hν of the photon turns into the electric energy of the proton-electron interaction, while the photon mass m =hν/cturns into the so-called mass defect.   

In the same way we observe weak electromagnetic interactions of the well-established laws in the antineutrino absorption in nuclear phenomena. Since in the neutrino nature discovery the antineutrino of opposite charges behaves like a photon one concludes that it interacts with the charge of a quark under weak electromagnetic forces acting at a distance like the well known dipole-dipole interactions. In other words in both the photon and the antineutrino absorption one concludes that there exist weak electromagnetic interactions of forces acting at a distance.

According to the experiments of the β decay the absorption of the antineutrino (ν-) by a proton (p) gives a neutron (n) and a positron (e+) as

ν+ p = n + e+

After the new structure of protons and neutrons the above reaction can be written a

ν+ [93(dud) + 4u + 5d]  = [ (92(dud) + 4u + 8d ] + e+

or     ν+ (d-u-d)  = (d-d-d) + e+

As in the hydrogen atom here the (ddd) is an unstable scheme because of magnetic attractions and electric repulsions while the (dud) is a stable scheme because of bothe electric and magnetic attractions. Therefore the difference (ddd)- (dud) gives a ΔΕ = 1.29 MeV. In other words the instability of a free neutron is due to the unstable (ddd) while in deuteron the neutron is stable because the binding energy BE = 2.2246 MeV of the nucleon-nucleon interaction overcomes the energy of 1.29 MeV.

Under this condition the above reaction also can be written as

ν+ u = d + e+

As in the case of the photon-mater interaction here we observe the  conservation law of  mass written in MeV/c2 as

1.8 + 2.4 = 3.69 + 0.51 .


In this reaction a proton (p) changes into a neutron (n) and a positron (e+) is emitted as the up quark ( u) changes into the down quark (d) . That is, the antineutrino interaction with the positive charge of the up quark under the application of the well-established laws leads to the transformation of the stable proton (p) into the unstable neutron ( n) like the excitation of an atom under the absorption of photon.

Historically Glashow, Salam, and Weinberg (1968) influenced by thefallacious massless quanta of fields and the wrong meson theory suggested the unification of the wrong weak interaction with electromagnetism into another hypothetical electroweak force which complicated more the problem. It is well known that after the experiments of the Quantum Entanglement fields or force carriers cannot exist. Nevertheless, they proposed that the so-called weak interaction could be mediated by the unstable W and Z bosons produced at high energy accelerators with  significant masses. Of course such very heavy particles should interact with particles of high energy to justify the decay of unstable very massive quarks produced in the same high energies. For example the decay of top quark t can be written with the following reaction: t = W + b where b is the bottom quark. However at every day low energies as in the beta decay the use of such massive bosons leads to complications.

It is indeed unfortunate that after the abandonment of the fundamental action at a distance of the well-established laws of nature Einstein’s fallacious massless quanta of fields used also in the so called theory of the quantum electrodynamics (QED). In QED the electromagnetic interactions at a distance of the well-establishes laws of charged particles should be described incorrectly through the emission and absorption of massless photons. Such a wrong massless photon is described in QED as the “force-carrier” particle that mediates or transmits the electromagnetic force by using the wrong concept of field introduced by Faraday in his explanation of the induction.

Moreover after the discovery of the assumed uncharged neutron (1932) physicists abandoned the natural laws in favor of wrong theories like the meson theory of Yukawa (1935), the Electroweak Theory of Weinberg (1968), and the quantum chromodynamics of Gell-Mann (1973). So efforts were unsuccessful in the application of a gauge theory to the fallacious strong nuclear force and weak nuclear force, producing the wrong standard model of particle physics.

Quantum field theory originated in the 1920s from the hypothesis of creating a quantum mechanical theory of the wrong concept of electromagnetic field. In 1925, Heisenberg, Born, and Jordan constructed such a theory by expressing the wrong field's internal degrees of freedom as an infinite set of harmonic oscillators and by employing the canonical quantization procedure to those oscillators. This theory assumed that no electric charges or currents were present and today would be called a free field theory. The first theory of quantum electrodynamics, which included both the wrong concept of electromagnetic field and Einstein’s invalid relativity was created by Dirac in 1928. Dirac devised an equation for a quantum system by using the correct energy of the photon

E = pc = (mc)c = mc2 = hν

However influenced by the invalid relativity he used also the wrong concepts of rest energy and rest mass  E = Moc2.( See my INVALID REST ENERGY). Dirac also believed incorrectly that a photon is a massles particle. Thus he formulated a wrong equation by believing that for a particle with fallacious rest mass Mo the total wrong relativistic energy is not pc but is given by

E2 = p2c2 + Mo2c4

Under such fallacious ideas the false QED theory was refined and fully developed in the late 1940s by Feynman. ( See my FALSE FEYNMAN DIAGRAMS). Unfortunately the QED rests on the idea that charged particles (e.g., electrons and positrons) interact by emitting and absorbing the false massless quanta of fields. Such hypothetical quanta of fields are “virtual”. Of course such fallacious quanta of fields cannot be the "force carriers."  For example in the Coulomb law the vector E = Fe/q used as a force per unit charge cannot be the force carrier of the same fore. In other words the Fe/q cannot mediate the same F. Moreover after the discovery of the assumed uncharged neutron (1932) physicists abandoned the electromagnetic foerces of the well-established laws in favor of the wrong theories of mesons and of the quantum chromodynamics.

Moreover the theory of quantum chromodynamics introduced by Gell-Mann (1973) is an invalid theory, because it is based on the wrong massless gluons in analogy to Einstein's the false massless quanta of fields. Although Gell-Mann discovered the charged quarks unfortunately he abandoned the fundamental charge of natural laws and introduced the theory of quantum chromodynamics  based on the wrong hypothesis of force-carrier particles called gluons, which should transmit the wrong strong force between particles of matter that carry hypothetical “colour,” a form of strong “charge.” The fallacious strong force is therefore limited in its effect to the behaviour of elementary subatomic particles called quarks and of composite particles built from quarks—such as the familiar protons and neutrons that make up atomic nuclei, as well as more-exotic unstable particles called mesons.

In QED we see that there is only one type of electric charge of natural laws, which can be positive or negative—in effect, this corresponds to charge and anticharge. According to the (QCD) colour-neutral particles should occur in one of two ways. In baryons. It was assumed incorrectly that subatomic particles are built from only three quarks, as, for example, protons and neutrons. Thus the assumed incorrectly three quarks are each of a different colour, and a mixture of the three colours produces a particle that is neutral.

In fact, according to  my paper “Nuclear structure is governed by the fundamental laws of electromagnetism” (2003) I showed that in protons and neutrons there are charge distributions due to 9 and 12 charged quarks respectively, which are responsible for the nucleon-nucleon interactions under the applications of natural laws.  They exist among 288 quarks in nucleons interacting according to the natural laws because the spinning quarks have the fundamental charges of laws. (See my NUCLEON-NUCLEON INTERACTION and  QUARK-QUARK INTERACTION).

Nevertheless, today many physicists influenced by the wrong standard model continue to believe incorrectly that the charges of quarks cannot be able to give strong forces of natural laws. For example in the "Quark-WIKIPEDIA” one reads the following fallacious ideas which lead to complications:

 “According to quantum chromodynamics (QCD), quarks possess a property called color charge. There are three types of color charge, arbitrarily labeled blue, green, and red. Each of them is complemented by an anticolor – antiblue, antigreen, and antired. Every quark carries a color, while every antiquark carries an anticolor. The system of attraction and repulsion between quarks charged with different combinations of the three colors is called strong interaction, which is mediated by force carrying particles known as gluons".

In the case of atoms and nuclei the study of the hydrogen atom and the deuteron lead to the general ideas of the atomic and nuclear structures. So we need to examine here carefully the simple structure of the neutral quark triad (d-u-d). In the study of deuterons since the proton and the neutron are packed along the radial direction with parallel spin (total spin J = +1 ) giving a binding energy E= -2.2246 MeV the structure of deuteron D can be written as D = p(+1/2) n(+1/2) . Whereas two deuterons of opposite spin are coupled along the spin axis to form the very stable helium nucleus with a total spin J = 0. Then, it was possible to describe the structure of Triton (n-p-n) with a total spin J = +1/2. See the mathematics and the diagrams in our published paper ‘Nuclear structure is governed by the fundamental laws of electromagnetism’. However for the study of the structure of the neutral quark triad [d-u-d] we observe always not only d-u and u-d bonds but also d-d bonds with Fem = + Fe - Fm where Fm is stronger than  Fe because the spins of quarks give peripheral velocities greater than the speed of light. This situation of course describes the great difference between the nuclear structure and the quark binding. In the neutral [d-u-d] quark triad having an orientation along the axis x the (d-u) bond is strong as in the case of Triton because it is along the spin axis z with opposite spins, while the second (u-d) bond is weaker in strength, because it operates along the radial direction ( axis x) with parallel spins like the p-n bond of deuteron. That is, in both cases we write Fem = - Fe   - Fm with different strength.
